Airdrop UNFT's

Yes! We are giving away airdrop tokens
0 M$
airdrop's available
0 $
Airdrop Value
Costs Mint 1 NFT

How to get tokens

Please follow the instructions below
Join Telegram Bot
Go to the Telegram bot on the button below and press "start"
Subscribe to all our public channels on the list in the bot
Check subscriptions
Check your subscription and you'll get a link to the chat. And in the chat you will get a link to get your airdrop.

Checking airdrop

Carefully read the instructions on how to check token availability, unfreeze tokens, and request unfrozen tokens. If you have difficulties and questions, please contact our support team
  1. After we verify your subscriptions you will receive an airdrop of 100 UNFT
  2. These tokens will be frozen for 3 months. After that, they will be unfrozen at 2.5% (2.5 UNFT) per month. Want to claim airdrop now? See “How to claim tokens now”
  3. Unfrozen tokens can be claimed to the wallet you specified through the airdrop form via the “claim” function. See below in the instructions.

Follow this link to the smart contract page to check the availability of tokens at your wallet address. The hint is on the picture. Attention the amount of tokens is displayed with 18 zeros after the decimal point, so you need to divide the figure by 10^18 degrees (this is a feature of the interface on

To check if the tokens are unfrozen, you can follow this link as shown in the picture. In the address field, enter the wallet you specified

You can claim tokens by this link after freezing period as shown in the picture

You must buy an equivalent number of UNFT tokens to claim the tokens now



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