Master NFT

global digital history of every NFT on the planet

powered by cross-blockchain unique peer network
0 +
NFT was minted in 2021
Our Partner

Huge Market

Metaverse Market is estimated to be $947Bn by 2030 with a CAGR of 38.8% during the forecast period. 

The global video game software market is expected to reach $380.06 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 13.8% from $197 billions in 2021




NFT market is fragmented and geeky
Minting is very expensive

The cost to mint one NFT can range from about
$70 to over $500

Commission from 2.5% to 15%

OpenSea charges 2.5%, Rarible charges 5%,
SuperRare charges 15%,
Facebook charging 47.5% for every NFT sale.

NFT is linked to mother-chain

Using certain blockchains means having the right
currency to process transactions, such as ETH for
Ethereum, BNB for Binance Smart Chain and
so on

NFT Bridges might brake smart contracts

Smart contracts aren’t available on all
blockchains, and if it does have the functionality,
these contracts can vary from blockchain to



MasterNFT is making NFT easier
10x cheaper minting cost 1 UNFT or $10

The cost to mint one NFT is starting from 1 UNFT
or $10 in fiat for non-crypto users

5-10x cheaper commission - 0.5%

Fixed 0.5% commission from every sales

Cross-chain bridge between Metaverses

Export from MasterNFT into OpenSea and other
protocols and metaverses, keeping the history of
sales/ownership in one place

Decentralized NFT marketplace

MasterNFT nodes will host NFT objects from pics
to compound objects like villas, protecting NFT
from being modified or deleted


Lets make history of 10Billions NFTs

– Villa and landscape design in Metavers

– Moments from the sport events

– Avatars and it’s features, like tattoos

– Digital clothes

– Unique coupons for any product or service

– Right to entry in the real world

– Real Estate in the real world – and more to come



– Initial price of UNFT is $0.1, to mint NFT you need either buy UNFT
from the market or to pay $10 from the credit card to top-up your
account. It should drive demand for tokens

– NFT Marketplace fees/sales should be paid in UNFT only.

– 20% from any fiat transactions will be spend on buying out UNFT to
decrease circulating supply

– 20% from any collected UNFT will be marked ‘for minting’ to decrease
the circulating supply

– Marketing part of all UNFT supply(50%) will be marked ‘for minting’
and will never reach market

– Every mint will burn UNFT


magnetic power

We have top-notch technology:

100 billion objects and only 5 billion tokens

– No gas fee, no variable mint price

– 25,000 tx per second, 100x faster than Ethereum

– Fixed mint price: 1 UNFT ($0.1 now) or $10 from your credit card

– Fixed commission: 0.5% from any sale – Escrow, Royalty, NFT rental smart contracts

– MasterNFT chain <> Ethereum bridge

– MasterNFT chain v0 is launched

– API is ready for Metaverses and application developers

– UNFT can be marked ‘for minting’ to protect them from selling

– Protocol burns 1 UNFT per every NFT minted


our team

DAO Smart Contract
DAO Smart Contract
Blockchain Visionary
Alexander Borodich
Smart Contract Lead Dev
Alexander Myodov
Vitaliy Kobranov
co producer
Iskander Gumerbaev
App dev
Mark Trubnikov

join MasterNFT

future is here